Karibu Mashamba
"Farming Saves Lives"
Mashamba and Tractors Solution (T) Ltd.
Kuhusu Mashamba
Mashamba and Tractors Solution (T) Ltd is a registered company under Tanzanian laws. The company was established in 2016 in Mbeya Tanzania. The company has the registration number 134588. The company was established by Mr. Andrew Mahenge who is the owner and the CEO of the company. The company is led by the CEO who is being assisted by Managers. The Mission of the company is “Farming Saves Lives”
The company is involved with production and supply of crop seeds. Currently Mashamba and Tractors Solutions Ltd produces various serials crops such as Rice (Oryza sativa) variety called TXD 306 (SARO 5), two varieties of Maize seeds (Zea mays) which are UH 6303, UHS 5350 and Situka which are Medium and High altitude varieties respectively.
Other product includes Sunflower seed (Helianthus anuus) variety called record, a white sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) variety called Macia, a Sesame (Sesamum indicum) variety called Lindi 2.
More than 65% of population in the Southern highlands Tanzania are farmers, the area comprises of seven regions with more than 7 million people (National census 2012). Farmers in this region are our customer base. Besides this region the company is also targeting to expand its customer base to cover the whole of Tanzania mainland. We are also distributing Saro 5 to smallholder farmers in Kilombero, Marinyi and in the coming year we are planning to focus in Ulanga; Morogoro Region.
Some few companies are in the business for some time now. Mashamba and tractors solution Ltd is a relative new company in the business having five years since it was established. But the company has been growing and increasing its market share steadily. The company increases its competitive ability with time as it emphasizes on quality of its products and reliable distribution system that focus to smallholder farmers. Most of the problems in seed industry rise as the results of poor management of production fields and unscrupulous dealers or individuals within the supply chain of distribution and supply.
1 hr
25,000 Tanzanian shillings
Opening Hours
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Sun: Closed